How To Jump Rope (Skip) Like A Boxer - Video by Tony Jeffries
Jun 25, 2020When most people think of jumping rope, they think of boxing. In this video I give you a step-by-step tutorial on how to skip like a boxer.
Jumping rope or skipping as we say in the UK, has been around boxing since the beginning of time, and I challenge you to think of a boxing movie where you don’t see the actor jumping rope and for a very good reason.
The benefits are great which include:
- Improving Coordination
- Improving Breathing Efficiency
- Burns Major Calories
- It’s a full body workout
- Improves your focus
These are just some of the benefits and reasons to add jump ropes into your work out.
Here is a quick video to show you how to jump rope like a boxer. Showing you the basics and some advanced stuff too.
Click to purchase Tony Jeffries signature jump rope
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