How I Retained & Gained Clients During Gym Lockdown - 5 Simple Steps!
Oct 01, 2020
by Kieran Flanagan
As a personal trainer and boxing coach most of my business was providing in-person training to my clients. During the pandemic lockdown that forced my gym to close I initially felt panic - Will my business survive? Will I retain my clients? How will I support myself financially?
I decided that I was going to turn the negative of lockdown into a positive - for me, my business, and my clients!
My plan was to keep my business going while helping people stay fit, healthy and positive.
I did these 5 simple steps:
Offered free workouts to all clients and followers on my social media pages,
Set up a 21-Day Challenge and got people to nominate their friends, family etc. to get it to take off, which it really did! The goal was just some fun to get people active and take their mind off what was going on in the world.
Gave free Zoom fitness classes
Raised funds for charities by taking part in their challenges and organising virtual running events.
Studied numerous things to boost my personal and business skills
The outcome:
- After the lockdown lifted I became busier than I was before.
- My business runs better
- I feel that personally and professionally I have come out of it better than before because I decided to take action and make it work rather than sit around feeling negative.
- I’ve retained all my clients and gained more by being so active in lockdown
- I feel all my clients benefited from it and had numerous messages thanking me for motivating them during a difficult time for everyone,
It’s all about your mindset and I made mine a positive one!
Kieran Flanagan is a personal trainer based in Liverpool. UK. He became a Certified Level 1 & 2 Trainer in August, 2018 at our BNBA course in Sheffield, UK.
Follow Kieran on Instagram @kifit_pt and checkout Kieran's other post WHY BOXING FOR FITNESS IS SO POPULAR
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