Advice to Millenials By Tony Jeffries
Oct 22, 2019
After one of the worst recessions in history that lasted from November 2007 to May 2016, America has seen a steady increase in Jobs and opportunities –especially for young people.
Speaking of opportunities, I’m glad to see that there are a lot more opportunities open to young people in the sport and fitness industry. Box N’ Burn has also seen steady growth as more young people are taking on boxing certification courses that we offer.
I am now a proud husband and father to three amazing daughters. I think about their future all the time and last week one of my daughters asked a question that got me thinking about what it means to be successful in what you do and whether there are things one can do to ensure that he/she becomes successful. Later that day, I took the time to write a few pointers that millennials and the upcoming generation might want to keep in mind:
- Great Things Take Time: Be Patient In the world of uber and instant messaging, it can be easy to forget that building a successful brand, company, or business takes time and a lot of effort. Uber itself started back in March 2009, in San Francisco, California, United States which means the success and impact the company has worldwide took over ten years to build. The point here is, good things take time, and if you are a young person right now looking to launch your own business, you should be prepared for that. Be Patient.
- Consistent Effort: Never Give Up! Another essential point to note is learning to put in consistent effort into building your business or brand over time. Learn to face challenges head-on and never give up until your goal is reached!
- Careful Planning One of my favorite statements is “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” I think It’s crucial for every entrepreneur to always employ careful planning and execution to ensure that his/her business becomes a success!
- Don’t Feel Pressured I think it takes time, maybe years to really know what you want to do with your life. If you are 18 or 19 years old and still haven’t figured out what you want to do, just take your time; I was 27 before I really knew what I wanted to focus on. Overnight success in business is not common, especially if you want sustainable growth. It takes a lot to reach the top and even more to stay ahead of your competitors. Whether you are building a business, app, or youtube channel, the same principles apply.
Boxing is one of the best, if not the best way to stay fit both physically and mentally. I challenge everyone to try boxing. Visit our website at or call us via +1 310 9676.
Best Regards
Tony Jeffries,
Instagram : tony_jeffries
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